15 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 7

  1. Major 1: Psychology- I found out about it from my brother who is majoring in psychology at Plymouth State. I heard about it before I came to UNE. My brother is graduating with a degree in psychology. I am taking a psych class. It is mainly about understanding the brain and how it works and its’ different functions and peoples mannerisms. I personally really like psychology, and might major in it. I could be a therapist, a social worker, or a school therapist, or a guidance counselor.

    Major 2: Marine Biology- I originally was coming in as a marine biology major and decided to change. I looked for a school that had a good marine biology program. I guess I just figured it out myself. I heard about it before I came here. I think the major would be working with marine animals, learning about all the marine life and plants, and about the ocean. I’m not exactly sure what you would do with this degree, but maybe work at an aquarium.

    Major 3: Elementary Education: My cousin Kayla goes here for elementary education which is how I found out about this major. I heard about it long before UNE when I thought I wanted to be a teacher, then I realized it required 6 years of school, which I cannot afford. I’m not sure what you would learn in class, maybe about how to deal with children, and different learning styles. With this degree, obviously you’d be a teacher lol.

    Minor 1: Animal Behavior- I heard about this minor before I came before UNE because I found it sort of interest. I can imagine you learn about animals’ brains and how they work and about their mannerisms. I can imagine its like psychology but for animals. I can imagine someone with this minor would maybe be a veterinarian or just anything that includes animals, like a zoo.

    Major 2: Special Education- I heard about this minor before I came to UNE. I have a lot of experience with special ED because I needed a lot of help like that ever since kindergarten because of my learning disabilities. I can imagine in class they would talk about each disability and what they are and how people with those disabilities function. And also how to deal with people with these disabilities and how they learn differently. You would definitely be a special ed teacher with this degree, or be a case coordinator.

  2. I am interested in a business administration major with possibly a concentration in international studies. I found out about this major this past summer when I was looking through all of UNE’s majors to see what I might like. It struck my eye as something I could see myself doing in the future. I imagine that I would be dealing with international countries shops and companies. I would take business conferences or travel to my clientele. I am interested in learning how other countries participate in business and how they might do things differently. I also want to learn about the world and maybe my work might allow me to travel as well. When I first started my college search and thinking about what I wanted to do with my life business was the only thing that I thought I might want to explore. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, and still don’t, but business has always been in the back of my mind. It is interesting how we are able to create products and specifically market them in a way to make the consumers buy them. Furthermore, in our current world due to covid the business world and economy have taken a large hit so it would be interesting to learn about how the business world has delt with that.
    Receiving a major in social work is also something that I am interested. I found out during my first week here that UNE had this major through my friend Kayleigh as that is her major. I would assume that a social work major would be giving back to the community and working with people to help them find their way in life. Social work is all throughout the community because people always need assistance to find their way. I could attain a job in a school or as a community counselor. I would love to work with children maybe in school districts in order to help them find their way and show them that it is ok if they haven’t found their way yet because they will eventually. I have a soft spot for kids and my community. I love helping people and this can be seen through my community service in high school as I completed over 100 hours. Even before high school I would volunteer and help out with my community through my church and other organizations. I want to better the place where I come from and provide opportunities for people to get the help that they might need.
    Another major that seemed interesting to me is the sustainability and business major. I just recently found out about this major by looking on UNE’s website at all their majors to see what might interest me. This major would include the world of business along with the environmental aspect. This major would allow me to take business courses to learn about the market and economy and then adding along the environmental aspect as well. With the knowledge of business, one is able to figure out how to introduce sustainability in the mix. I would be able to showcase new inventions to the business world to help the environment. This major would be an interesting twist on just a business major. I enjoy learning about the environment and how we are able to better it. Due to the state that the environment is in right now this major would open my eyes and hopefully everyone else’s as well to show the business world sustainability. As mentioned previously I am drawn to the business world because of how everything is run but it would be interesting to learn about it from a sustainable standpoint. I also am interested in sustainability and helping the environment in any way that I can.
    The applied mathematics minor might be something I am interested in. I discovered this major this past summer when attending a tour at UNE. I am very good at math and arrived at UNE already with a full credit of calculus. I am taking statistics right now therefore I will already have two credits towards this minor. It seems logical to continue down the math minor path because I am already on my way there. I also enjoy math because it is black and white with no gray area. I am better at definitive structure rather than theory or grey area. I feel as though a math minor would be helpful especially in the business world if I decide to go into business. It will aid in accounting and finances which are important to business. With this minor I would have a leg up on my opponents when searching for a job because it differentiates me from other candidates.
    Another minor that caught my attention was the art minor. I learned about this minor this summer through one of my friends on a trailblazer trip as she is completing an art minor at UNE. I have always loved art ever since I was younger. My mom would always have us doing crafts when we were little, and I took photography classes when I was in my early teens as well. Throughout my schooling I also participated in art classes and thoroughly enjoyed them. I especially love pottery which I took a full year of my senior year. With this degree I imagine I would be able to work in a museum, sell my art or maybe teach art classes. I would definitely love to work at an art studio being able to create whatever my heart desires and help people chase their own path in the art world too.

  3. Minors:
    Computer Science has been a minor I have been looking at since coming to UNE. I found out about this myself before the start of the semester while looking at the majors/minors page on the UNE website. I imagine the work of this minor to obviously be something very computer based and something similar to my Data Exploration class. In that class we are doing coding for data sets. I think this minor would be beneficial to me and my future because the world is advancing at a very fast rate and a lot of those advancements are coming from the technology side of the world. Gaining knowledge in that field would help me possibly stand out as a candidate in a future job I apply for.

    A Coaching minor has also caught my attention. While looking at the roster for the basketball team before coming to UNE I saw that one of the players had a coaching minor. Ironically, I later found out this person actually coached my brother’s AAU team last year. I imagine this minor to be a lot of learning how to deal with different personalities and less of actually how to coach a team. This minor caught my attention because my dad used to coach basketball and many different levels and ever since watching him Coach, I have wanted to at some point in my life coach a basketball team.

    A major that has caught my attention is Athletic Training. I have always been interested in athletic training because I love sports and it would be awesome to have something to do with sports even after I stop playing basketball. No one specifically told me about this major and I am actually not sure how I found out about it. I heard about Athletic training before going to UNE. I imagine the work of an athletic trainer to be very hands on and actually working with the teams here at UNE. I have heard that the program here at UNE is amazing and will definitely set you out on the right path. One of my trainers at my former high school graduated from UNE and she was really good at what she did. The only concern I have about this major is that athletic trainers don’t make a lot of money. I know I shouldn’t think this way but it’s definitely something that is dragging me away from the idea of studying athletic training.

    I am not sure the exact major this would be called but something to do with education would be very interesting to me. To graduate at my high school, we had to do a senior project that included volunteering somewhere for a month instead of going to actual school. I decided to go to my former middle school to be a teacher assistant. I chose this because I thought I didn’t like working with kids and wanted to challenge myself. I was completely wrong, I really liked it. I would work in small groups, individual students, and overall I would just be another person students to go to for questions they had. I never thought being a teacher would be something I was interested in. But, while doing my project I found that I was actually pretty good at teaching and connecting with students in a way where learning was made fun for them. I also had a conversation with my former math teacher and she said that teaching is something I should really look into. I feel like this major would be a lot of learning about how to deal with different kinds of students and adapting to all the new ways of teaching there is.

    Psychology is another major that I am semi-interested in. I learned about psychology through my dad who studied it at UNE a long time ago. I have always been very interested in how people think and why people act the way they do. I do know my sister who is currently at Wheaton college was studying psychology. She may have switched majors I am not completely sure but the things she said about what she was learning definitely interested me a little bit. I feel like this major might include lectures, but also a lot of discussion based learning. I am not completely sure what I would do with this major but I feel like its a good outlet to a lot of different kinds of careers.

  4. Major No. 1– Marine Biology.
    Who/How: I found out that this school had this major initially at my High School’s college fair. It stood out to me because I am very interested in this major and I didn’t see any other schools there that carry this specific one.

    When: I found out about it towards the end of my senior year when my school hosted the college fair.

    What: I imagine this course would be a lot of in-class and hands-on research. I learn best when I am able to visualize or interact physically with said topic. I have a passion for marine life and animals in general, and I am incredibly interested in environmental studies so I thought that this major was appealing. I heard that marine bio students get to take research vessels out into the ocean and visit a nearby island to study the unique salt/freshwater ecosystem.

    Why: I like the idea of this major a lot, although I heard it can be very strenuous and many people I know who have taken this major have switched out. If I get a degree in marine biology, I imagine I would use it to continue studying marine life and how the marine ecosystems interact with our own. Best case scenario, I may even use it to contribute to the climate change crisis.

    Major No. 2– Animal Behavior.

    Who/How: I found out about this major through my High School’s college fair.

    When: During the end of my senior year.

    What: Similarly to Marine Bio, I imagine this course would be a lot of in-class and hands-on research, although I figure this major may be more classroom oriented. For marine biology, we have the ocean literally right next to our campus, but we can’t study animals that aren’t native to Maine the same way we might be able to study the ones that are. I feel like this class would require a lot of essays and papers.

    Why: I would choose this major because I have always been interested in working with animals. I’ve grown up with a variety of pets all throughout my life– In fact, this year is the very first year that I don’t have a cat or dog at arms-length at all times. I have a passion for animals and I think this would be a very rewarding degree to have, as I could use it to work in animal sanctuaries or study animals across the world.

    Major No. 3–Environmental Studies.
    Who/How: I found out about this major through my High School’s college fair.

    When: During the end of my senior year.

    What: Based on how my Issues in Environmental Science class is going, I feel like environmental studies would be a lot of book work and knowledge based assignments. If you take a biological approach, you may get to do hands-on labs and research, but I really like the idea of this program.

    Why: It seems like it would be a rewarding major to take. It might give me the opportunity to educate myself and the knowledge to educate others about the environment and what we can do to help our planet and prevent further destruction. I find that learning about new systems and approaches to sustainability is incredibly interesting, and will give us insights on how to work with and give back to our natural ecosystems as opposed to only taking from them.

    Minor No. 1–Art.
    Who/How: I found out about this major through my High School’s college fair.

    When: During the end of my senior year.

    What: I believe that taking a minor in art would be somewhat similar to the honors-level portfolio art class I took in High School. We would most likely explore a variety of medias before selecting one that we would like to pursue and create a portfolio of art pieces with a theme or some type of structure.

    Why: Art has always been something I enjoy. I spend a lot of my free time drawing or painting. I find that it’s a good way to express myself when I’m not able to using words or actions. I like studying art pieces and I have a lot of appreciation for it.

    Minor No. 2–Psychology.
    Who/How: I found out about this major through my High School’s college fair.

    When: During the end of my senior year.

    What: I believe that this type of study would be a lot different than the psychology class I took in High School. For the majority of that course we watched documentaries and did word-searches. I believe this course would be a lot of book-work, identifying mental disorders and how the brain works, along with studying how humans interact with one another and the world around them, etc.

    Why: I think that psychology is a very interesting topic. My mother is a therapist and I know that she works with some very interesting people who have psychological disorders that make them incredibly unique. I think that the way the brain works is interesting, and with a minor in psychology I might be able to become a counselor/therapist like my mother.

  5. Major 1: Dental Hygiene

    I originally discovered I might have an interest in dental hygiene when I was 13, although I did not enjoy going to the dentist and having my teeth cleaned, I thought of it as a possible career one day. That interest is part of the reason I chose UNE because of the dental hygiene program. In my senior year of high school, I had an internship through the school that let me go to a dentistry once a week and had me shadow a dentist to see what she did and how things went. She was great, helped me in many ways, and helped me form an even bigger interest in dental hygiene. I understand that if I were to pursue this major, I would have to learn a lot about anatomy, especially the oral area. Health law classes would be appropriate to take, coming with a lot of memorizations. I am thinking about this major because I have thought about pursuing it since I was young and would make lots of money as a dentist (hopefully).

    Major 2: Occupational Therapy

    Occupational Therapy is my main interest for a major right now and was when I came into school. Last year, during my senior year of high school, I also did an internship where I got to follow a sponsor who let me sit in on meetings with her patients. I loved it, I loved the idea of helping people with both the physical and mental sides of occupational therapy. My only concern about the mental side of it is that the trauma that people carry with them can be extremely scary and hard to listen to. Personally, as much as I love helping people, I do not know if I could handle that weight on my shoulders. I imagine the work for occupational therapists is more than I could handle right now at least. Graduate school for sure, which means more than the 4 years I am already here. (Fun fact, my sponsor also went to graduate school at UNE). A big reason I have an interest in this is because I have always seen myself as a good listener to others, even though I cannot relate to them always I can always try to understand where they are coming from by putting myself in their shoes.

    Major 3: Marine Biology

    Marine biology was a major I always dreamed of doing because I saw pictures online, but truly did not know much about it, and I still do not know a bunch. But I do know how much I love the ocean and the millions of species of animals inside It which is why I am considering majoring in it. I heard about this major before I got to UNE which struck my interest to go here also. When I think of marine bio, I look at my dream job. Sadly, unless you are incredible at it, I feel like there are no jobs that offer good amounts of money. Some people may be fine with the idea of doing what they love and not as much, but me personally I would rather do something I am good at and be extremely successful for myself and my family one day. If I were to let my heart take over and become a marine bio major, I could see myself exploring the ocean all day long and studying new species of sea creatures.

    Minor 1: Personal training

    Being a personal trainer would be amazing to do as a minor because working out is one of my big passions and hobbies. I can recognize that it would have to be a side hustle instead of a major job because of the lack of money income. I do not know if I want to pursue a minor, but I would love to learn more about helping others gain the passion I have for it and help them along the way. I also would like to learn about the nutrition factor behind muscle growth etc. Which would help me understand it more deeply. With this minor I would hopefully become a personal trainer on my hours off from my main job and bring in extra money while doing something I love.

    Minor 2: Spanish

    In my first year of high school, I started Spanish and absolutely hated it because of my teacher, she was a native and took it very seriously and pushed us very hard to be good. By the end of the class, I adopted her passion for Spanish, and it opened new experiences for me and possibilities of what I could do with a second language. By my last year of high school, Spanish became fun for me to learn. I do not know where this minor would take me, but it is great to have it on my resume and I love learning new languages.

  6. Environmental Science – Major
    I originally found out about this major through my high school. I have always been passionate about environmental issues, and I was part of my high schools’ environmental action club. This made me wonder about exploring some kind of environmental major in college. During accepted students day, I got the opportunity to talk to the leader of the environmental sciences program and learned through him about the environmental science major. This major interests me because it explores the impacts that humans have on the environment and the science of nature in general. I find this interesting because I can use science to help people and the environment. I imagine myself possibly working for a non profit or in an institution to solve climate change and in some kind of protection agency. This major jumped out to me as opposed to environmental policy because I really do not like politicians and dealing with administration. I would rather do something rewarding, and try to make a difference in the world as opposed to arguing with politicians, trying to get them to make/change laws regarding the environment.

    Criminology – Major
    I found out about this major in the first few days of school in my Environmental Issues class. As we were going around the class sharing our majors, someone said they were a criminology student. I had never heard of criminology and I found out that it was a brand new major at UNE, and is the scientific study of criminals and crime. I found this extremely interesting because I love those crime TV shows like Criminal Minds, Bones, and CSI: Miami. I think it would be super cool to be able to understand on a scientific level what is going on in a criminal’s mind and learn the reasons behind why they committed the crimes that they did. This degree could lead me to being an anthropologist, which is the study of human societies and cultures and their development. I could work in a prison or rehabilitation program because if I got a criminology major, I would like to use it to help people. By understanding criminals’ behavior, I could work to reduce crime rates and potentially work with the government on the topic.

    English – Major
    I learned about UNE’s English major when I was researching possible major options Senior year. English as a major is such a broad major that I think I could enter virtually any profession, as long as it involved writing of some sort. I have always liked writing and would say it is something that I am pretty good at. Personally I like writing fiction and I have always been interested in the investigative side of writing, like journalism. With an English degree I could see myself as a journalist, possibly even an investigative journalist, writing about things that matter. I have always wanted to travel the world, and if I was a journalist I would get the opportunity to go to different places around the world documenting things going on there. I also really like reading in general, so I think I could see myself being an editor or working for a magazine. I could also work in a variety of different fields with an English degree. I would work for a scientific journal, a newspaper, a website, or even become a teacher.

    Marine Biology – Minor
    I learned about the marine biology minor at UNE when I toured the school during the winter of my senior year. I specifically remember my tour guide telling me about how marine biology was one of the most popular programs at UNE, and how it was an extremely good major. I don’t think I would want to major in marine biology just because of how much schooling it requires and how much money that would cost to become a marine biologist. By getting a marine biology minor, I could use that degree for another job. For instance, if I majored in environmental science with a minor in marine biology, I could work to solve environmental issues especially those that pertain to the ocean. I have always loved the ocean and I really don’t like how humans are destroying the planet and how that is affecting marine life. I imagine myself on a boat or working in some research facility studying ocean biology with this degree.

    Art – Minor
    I was interested in possibly going into art school before I made the decision to come here. This is because although I really like art, specifically drawing and painting, I have a lot of other interests and I did not want to commit to one thing. I only recently heard about UNE’s art minor, and I think I would declare a different major and then minor in art. I think I would use this degree to make art on the side of whatever job I end up doing, and use the degree to support art as a hobby or passion. I’m not sure if I would make money by getting an art degree unless I sold it or started my own business. I imagine myself making paintings or drawings at home, after I am done with my normal job or on the weekends. I imagine I would give my work to family and friends, keep it for myself, or sell them on the side. Art as a minor would be a way to improve my art skills that I would use simply for myself as a personal hobby.

  7. Major #1-Athletic training

    I found out about the athletic training major because I played football in high school and always enjoyed conversation with the high school trainers that would tape us and help us stretch.
    I was in high school when I heard that you are able to major in athletic training and that you’re able to learn a lot more than just how to tape and help people with recovery and that there is more to it.
    At first i thought that anyone was just able to be hired as a trainer and get taught what to do when hired i didn’t think it was a very difficult thing to do or get into,I always thought all you had to do was help some kids put tape on their ankles and there wrist and send them out to practice and that was that, but later on going into college while doing research on different majors I looked deep into athletic training and it was much more than i thought it would be. You need to know almost every part of the body and every little muscle and ligament in the human body to fully understand what someone needs, like if someone pulls a muscle you have to know what muscle it is where it is and how you can help prevent and heal that certain muscle, and you need to know what kind of food and drinks and things people should be putting in their body to help there muscle recovery.
    I would like to major in athletic training because i’ve always been a big sports guy and it really is hurts me seeing players or teammates going down on the field with an injury, small or big it has and can really impact people’s lives and the sports they play in long term and short term,i would like to help prevent things like that from happening i’d like to see everyone excel in there sports with a healthy body and mindset and have less injuries on the field.

    Major #2- Nutrition

    I learned that Nutrition was a major when I was a junior in high school, We had a class that taught kids how to cook and how different ingredients have different taste texture and do different things to your body and what’s healthy for you and whats not healthy for you

    I was told about it from my high school cooking teacher I always thought he was just another teacher who was hired because he knew how to cook until my senior year he told me he went to school for cooking and at first i thought that was probably one of the easit things someone has ever told me they do but he told me having a major in nutrition was way more in depth then i thought it was there’s more to just putting something into a pot and turning it on to cook

    I thought being a nutrition major means you get to go to class and have a free class just to sit around and cook and learn what’s healthy for you and what’s not healthy for you and eat what your taught to cook but I was very wrong I didn’t know that being a nutrition major meant you learn ways to help preserve an optimal happy and healthy life through nutrition and how the body functions with the right and wrong food, also how age, sex, wieghts, and more affect the way you eat and your digestive system.

    I would like to be a nutrition major because I always thought it was interesting how your body functions when you put different type of things into your stomach and how your able to extend or shorten your lifespan just by putting the right or wrong things into your body,also how different diet can affect your body type like gaining weight or losing it.

    Major #3-business

    I first found out about the business major my sophomore year of high school in my economics class when I heard that banks give out scholarships to kids who thought about learning more about money and business in college.

    I heard about Business before Une from my high school economics teacher who taught many different classes on money and business.

    I imagined the business major as being just a whole bunch of different math and number being used to calculate how much money a business or person needs to have a successful life/business, I was also told that many athletes and professionals have majored in business to help expand their knowledge in finances so when they made it to the league they knew what to do with there money and not just blow it all as soon as they get their first paycheck.

    I would like to major in business to further expand my knowledge on money management and finance, like my teacher told me one day if I ever am a professional or making a lot of money I need to have a plan on what to do with it to have money for the rest of my life even when i’m retired and not working anymore, and also how and where to invest my money so that my kids will have something to build off of when i’m not around and there starting their own thing.

    Minor #1-Mental health rehabilitation

    I was first introduced to this major from my counselor while going through the list of majors and minors to explore

    I just recently was told about this minor here during my time at Une and thought it would be an interesting topic to study and it would be helpful in the other things i already am learning about.

    I thought this class would be mostly about helping people recover from mental health issues or problems that they are going through in life and what type of methods are used to get people through tough times.

    I’d like to major in this because it is a cross curricular, feel like it would help me build knowledge for things like athletic training, like when someone gets a career ending injury there mindset and mental health can all go down the drain and i feel learning more about mental health would also help with things like that.

    Minor #2-Public health

    I was first introduced to public health minor recently also from my counselor while exploring different things to major and minor in.

    I never knew public health was a major or minor till I got here and was first told about it.

    I thought that this minor would teach how different people’s health was from all types of backgrounds and places and how people’s location and how mental health affects their lifestyle.

    I would like to minor in this also because it is a cross curricular study that would help further expand what I know about how all kinds of people live with different health issues and how the position is in affects how they live and how healthy they are.

  8. The first major that comes to mind for me is “Sport and Recreation Management”. This is a major that initially caught my eye when I first browsed through the majors here, prior to arriving on campus. In addition, 3-4 of my teammates are in this class and they said they’ve enjoyed it since being here. I imagine this class is going to involve digging deep in what goes on behind the scenes of sports teams. Both current and past, seeing the differences, and seeing what really works to have things flourish. This major resonated with me because of how interested I am in the sports world. Not only loving hockey and relating almost all of my work to it, but sitting around and waiting for the next NFL game to be on, and checking baseball scores daily. I’d hope that with this degree I can get involved on a deeper level in the sports world. My whole life I’ve been playing sports, but my career beyond UNE is nothing but unknown at the moment. If I don’t end up playing minor professionally anywhere, I’d love to get connected in the sports world in a way that I haven’t been yet.
    Another major I’ve had my eye on is “Business Administration”. Again, this is a major that I had thought about prior to coming to UNE, and one that another handful of my teammates are enrolled in. I’m currently taking a business management class, one that is required for the business degree. We spent a lot of time learning about what it takes to be a manager, the effects a manager has on a company and the outside world, and what a manager needs to do to keep a business running. I’ve always thought that this is a very broad degree, one that can take you on many different paths to find your career. I feel like this is a big reason as to why I’m interested in it, because in the grand scheme of things I really have no idea what I want to do after college. Although I think this degree will give me many options, I could also see myself managing a company at any level some day. From what I’ve learned in management class so far, I feel like I already have a good grasp on the concept and it will only get stronger. I also think I have the qualities it takes to be a manager.
    The third major that interests me is the “Athletic Training” program. This is one that I just recently found out about while scrolling through majors, seeing which ones caught my eye. When I think about this route, I think about all my past and present athletic trainers, and I envision learning all the things they know. Especially learning about what exercises are best suited for specific sports. Beyond that though, I think we’d be learning about how the body and muscles move and how they should properly be treated to keep people at peak performance in their sports. This degree would also give me the opportunity to stay involved in the sports world. I see how much joy athletic trainers get when their athletes succeed, and that’s a feeling that would motivate me to be the best at that job. Regardless of the level, I could really see myself being an athletic trainer one day. I actually helped out my trainer with younger kids this past summer, and just seeing their growth in 2 months made me feel accomplished. Working long-term with athletes and seeing them succeed would be something I’d look forward to, rather than just dragging myself across the finish line of each day.
    Minors are something that I haven’t really given any thought to, so I spent some time looking through all the minors that UNE has to offer and seeing which ones I might be interested in; the first being “Coaching”. In this course, I can see us learning how to take what we know from a given sport, and applying it to the coaching world. I think we’d look at and compare coaching styles, study what works, and try to put ourselves in the shoes of different coaches– not only to be a successful coach, but to be a well respected one too. I’ve spent the last few summers coaching younger players at a hockey camp. Although far different from what I see myself doing after college, still a taste of coaching nonetheless. With the knowledge from this minor, I could really see myself coaching hockey at the junior, collegiate, and minor professional/professional levels.
    Economics is the other minor that I think I may be interested in. I took an economics class in high school, and was very interested in what was learned. Obviously, the economy, but more specifically how it runs and what goes on in the economy. Whether it be tariffs, the stock market, inflation, etc, I think this class would take a much deeper dive into topics I’ve already learned a bit about. In addition to that, I’d expect us to really understand the difference between micro and macro economics and how they work in the real world. With this knowledge, I feel like it can be applied to finance, which is something I can see myself doing. Not only because I’d consider myself good with numbers, but because it’s something I’d look forward to doing most days.

  9. Majors : (200-250 words)
    1: Political Science, I heard about this major through some of the people I met in my orientation group, it was a guy on the football team. We had a few conversations about everyone’s major and when he discussed that he was going into political science I decided to look into it as it seemed interesting and seemed to have a few possible career paths I could discover looking further into the major. Honestly, what I imagine for the work of the major I don’t really know, I do however have a strong interest in politics and how it affects us as a whole, or the younger generation to be involved in politics is something that is important to me. My initial thoughts also go to the science behind politics and how studying them will give me a better insight and clarity of my interests in this topic. The scientific study of politics is technically how the major is described. I imagine I will take one of the many career paths this major offers, which dabbles in business, teaching, finance, government work, and more.
    2: Psychology: I heard about this major through many of my friends who were also going into this major in college. I have also been heavily interested in this major as I talked with my own therapist and her experience with this work and how she helps people and went through her own degree. I imagine this major to be heavily influenced by science and human functioning and brain studies. In human psychology and anatomy, I am also aware that you need to have good people skills and be able to work with many different mindsets and types of people, to understand how different minds work and not get attached to certain people you deal with. I also imagine this major takes a heavy toll on some people based on where you put your studies into work in the real world, but you also get the benefit of helping people which is something I am very interested in but not in the ways of a doctor where blood and sickness take place.
    3: Environmental Science: Honestly this is the major I was focused on the most while choosing this school, and when everyone asked me what my initial thoughts were of what I wanted to major in. Personally, through high school, I took different environmental science courses and was always very interested in the environment and finding ways to be able to protect it, and getting to use my living to do that. I think there would be a lot of hands-on activity and scientific classes like biology and labs. Many people I have heard from who major in this here say they go out a lot into the community or surrounding lands like marshes and do field journals and tests of the land. I personally like this hands-on work, and I always loved biology, except for a bio which I took my senior year. Going into this major I had no idea what I would do with this degree, there are many options that you can go into, but the general idea of the major drew my attention. With this type of major, I would be able to go into what I am passionate about and be confident in the work I am doing as I took these types of classes and would only be expanding my knowledge.
    Minors : (150-200 words)
    1 Nutrition: When I came to tour UNE, I toured some of the tables that talked about majors and minors and I stopped by the nutrition table because it provoked an interest in me. I got to learn more about it on my trailblazer trip, I chose wellness Wayfair and my mentor on the trip was a major in nutrition, so I got to talk to her about my interest in nutrition and she recommended it as a minor for me to take. I imagine working heavily with anatomy and sciences, as well as researching certain foods and diets and their effects on the human body mentally and physically. I would definitely want to take my degree and become a nutritionist, which typically with individuals or populations to teach them more about general nutrition, food, and health. Their focus is on food behavior. This includes working with individuals to devise and implement meal plans that improve the individual’s or family’s nutrition
    2: Art Therapy: To be totally honest, I had no clue what I would want to do for another minor, so I found out by just looking through the list of minors and being more interested and geared towards the example of this. Personally I imagine this is heavily artistically and creatively geared, as well as helping people with this form of therapy. To be in touch and communicate with people in a different way, to study the history of art and the effects and benifits it can make on the human brain and discovering its importance.It also ties heavily with my interest in phscycology and I could easily majior and minor in both of these topics. So if i were to use this degree it can just get me in more jobs or options for being a therapist and usung my majior in psychology more effectivly.

  10. Majors

    Global Studies
    On the UNE website and from other websites taking about Global studies over the summer. I heard about when I was researching majors over the summer. I think it’s going to be a lot of culture classes and politics classes. Also a lot of traveling and doing some semester abroad. I think the major would be super interesting because I love helping people and with this major I would love to work for non-profits and travel to 3rd world countries to help them.

    Art and Design Media
    I found this major when I was in high school and thought this is what I wanted to do. It still is something I would love to minor or major in. I heard about it when I was researching majors and things I would like to do in my life. It would be a lot of art classes but also art history. I also think so travel courses about art history would also be helpful with this major.

    Political science
    I also found this major in high school but after I came here for the acceptance students day. When I was in the politics class as the mock classroom. I fell in love with politics after that. I started paying more attention to the world and doing more research and teaching other people. I think I would focus on environmental or general politics. It would be 90% political classes then a few culture and environment classes with that. I think also some traveling if I wanted to focus on international politics.


    I found this minor when I was researching global studies. This and global studies are super similar so I don’t think I can major in that then minor in this. The classes are almost the same. So it would be a lot more culture classes and traveling. It would be to understand different cultures and countries. I would probably focus on Gender and sexuality or applied anthropology.

    Women’s and Gender studies
    I learned about this minor when I was looking up different minors. I had already knew it was a minor here but I knew nothing about it. I feel like this minor would teach me a lot. And if I do major in global studies and I minor in Women’s and gender studies, that would be a great combo to help the people I want to help. This minor would be a lot of women’s history classes with some politics. And how it also ties in mental health and the environment.

  11. Major: Philosophy
    Who/how: I actually discovered this major on my way to this class one day. On my way through Marcil I passed the Philosophy office, searched up the major online, and found that it was offered here.
    When: Recently, only a few weeks ago.
    What: I’m not too familiar with what the major entails, as I don’t know anyone with this chosen major, however, I assume it likely is a lot of reading/studying philosophy from different time periods, and possibly exploring a philosophy of our own.
    Why: I’d likely choose this major as it’s something that I’ve had an interest in for a long time. Though I never learned much about it in high school, I’ve researched a lot of philosophy myself, reading the words of past and present philosophers. I feel that a degree in philosophy is fairly useful. Though not too many businesses require philosophers in this day and age, the skills that stem from a philosophy major are very useful. Good writing skills, creative thinking and whatnot are all useful in day to day life.

    Major: Business
    Who/How: A few of my friends on campus as well as teammates are business majors. I’ve heard from them a lot about the major, though it was one of my possible choices when applying here.
    When: I first learned about the major back in November of last year when I applied to the school, but have been hearing more about it in the last few weeks from friends.
    What: I presume work for this major would be pretty widespread in topic. Business Administration requires money skills, people skills, and entrepreneurship skills. I think in addition to that the use of internships would help me determine if this major was right for me.
    Why: This major has a fairly wide range of use. The skills you learn from this major can be used in lots of different jobs, not just one in business. It’s not the most interesting major, but it is very practical.

    Major: Political Science
    Who/How: I knew this school had a political science major when I first applied to it, however, it didn’t interest me at first. A career in law is one that I’ve been trying to explore, and political science could be a good way to do that.
    When: The same time I learned about business, when I was reading the list of majors prior to applying to the school.
    What: This is a lot more of a targeted major than business, as I would expect much more politics based work than anything else. I’d plan on learning about current events, both global and national, politics, both current and past, and possibly a little regarding law, and how they relate to modern politics.
    Why: I feel that this major would teach me crucial skills, such as critical thinking, analysis, and the ability to form arguments with sound reasoning and little flaws.

    Minor: Mental Health Rehabilitation
    Who/How: I learned about this minor only a few days ago, when researching minors for this journal.
    When: Less than a week ago, as I’ve been researching minors since this journal was assigned
    What: I’d expect to learn lots about mental illnesses, the causes of mental illnesses, and ways to combat mental illness and boost mental health.
    Why: I feel that mental health is a growing issue in today’s world. Though I likely wouldn’t make a career out of it, it’s always going to be a useful skill. Being able to spot someone struggling with mental health issues is tricky, and helping someone with a mental illness is even trickier. I feel that a minor in Mental Health Rehabilitation would help with that.

    Minor: Economics
    Who/How: I learned about this minor in the same way I learned about Mental Health Rehabilitation, personal research.
    When: A few days ago, very recently.
    What: I think we’ll likely study the way the economy works. Its dips, its rises, the cause of said changes, and other useful information. We’ll probably look at it on a small scale and a large scale, to get a better idea of how it functions overall.
    Why: This minor would pair well with a Business major. Knowing how the economy works can help not only you, but your business. Knowing when to make certain purchases, i.e a house, or a car, is a useful skill, and can help towards a successful lifestyle.

  12. Majors
    Psych- My Roommate is a psychology major. She knew she wanted to be a psychology major since junior year. I always thought I would major in psychology. For the past year or so, all of my friends have come to me to talk or for advice. I have a natural calling to help people. Everyone would say that I NEEDED to become a therapist. That I was just so good at listening to people. I however didn’t major in psychology because I didn’t know if I wanted to become a therapist. It came naturally to me, but not something I quite enjoyed doing. I heard about psychology majors probably around my freshman year of high school. People would always tell me that people who didn’t know what they wanted to do would major in psychology. I think a psychology major would be taking a lot of different psychology classes. Maybe an anatomy class. Psychology is a broad subject, so students may be taking other classes that have little to do with psychology.
    Animal behavior- Having a major in animal behavior would be so cool. I’ve always loved animals, but Im not sure I would want to work with animals for the rest of my life. I heard about animal behavior majors from my friend. One of my friends has an animal behavior major and she is so excited to pursue it. She’s worked with animals before and adores it. I hadn’t heard about animal behavior majors until I got to UNE. I imagine people who want to be veterinarians would become animal behavior majors. You must do a lot of hands-on learning. Learning a lot about different animals. Im not too sure if UNE offers an animal behavior class, although I assume they would. I also think people who want to maybe open up a kennel or work at animal shelters would become animal behavior majors.
    Med Bio- I’ve met a few people who have medical biology majors. I have heard of medical majors and biology majors, but never both combined. One of my friends from the dance team is a medical biology major. I assume having a major in Med Bio would be very difficult. I assume you must take biology, chemistry, and anatomy classes. Probably a lot more basic classes as well. With a med bio major you can probably become a doctor or a nurse. Not limited to but I think that is the most common thing to do with a med bio major. I wouldn’t ever want to have a med bio major. Although I am interested in medical professions, I would never want to pursue one.

    Education- Having a minor in education seems helpful. You can become a teacher for just about anything. My mom is a teacher so I’veknowns you can major or minor in education my whole life. You can match an education minor with just about anything. You could have a major in marine science and a minor in education. Or a major in biology and a minor in education. You could become an educator for just about any topic. I assume you would take lots of basic classes. Such as basic maths, sciences, languages, and histories.
    Climate change studies- having a minor in climate change studies is very useful in today’s world. More people should be educated on climate change. I heard about climate change studies majors from the UNE website about five minutes ago. I assume you would pair a minor in climate change with a major in environmental studies, or international affairs. I assume you would take many environmental classes with a climate change minor.

  13. Majors –
    Sports Management – I am already taking a class this semester about sports management. I have always been a huge sports fan and consume sports at a very high rate. I am also interested in the inner workings of players and management. This major, so far, is probably my top choice if I had to choose a major right now. It seems like a job I can really enjoy and help make a difference in the world of sports. I really like the amount of contact there is with the players in some sports management jobs. I found out about this major when I was doing my schedule, it immediately caught my attention and I signed up for the class. Some jobs within the major can include marketing, business management, player development, etc. I have always been interested in the inner workings of leagues and professional teams. Things such as contract negotiations, marketing, business improvement, merchandising and events intrigued me. As a kid I always enjoyed the halftime shows, the t-shirt cannons, and the events. With this degree, I can apply it to anything sports related, such as event planning. As an athlete I always enjoyed the big crowds and the support from fans. So fan engagement might be something I would be interested in.

    Applied Exercise Science – I first heard about this major from some of my friends here at UNE who major in applied exercise science. I knew of the major before but I only heard about it at UNE just recently. I imagine the work of the major might be something along the lines of personal training, or rehabilitation exercises. This might be interesting to me because as a kid, I was always getting slight injuries while playing sports. My mom was a physical therapist so when I was injured she could always give me an exercise that could help heal the injury and make me perform better. With this major I could do many things and also combine other things with applied exercise science. I could combine business and run a gym or exercise classes. There is a very broad range of things that I could do with this. I could also do targeted exercises for sports and teams to help them get bigger and stronger. This major could also lead me to doing more school after college and maybe becoming an athletic trainer or an orthopedist. So overall, I could do many things after I graduate with this major.

    Business Administration – I first heard about this major way before I came to UNE. It was actually one of the majors I considered declaring before I came here. I am in a management class and so far I really enjoy it. With a degree in business, I can do infinite things. I can help manage a large or small business. I can create my own business. I can work my way up the ladder of a business and management from the top. I can also just work in helping expand businesses. The opportunities and chances are very expansive with this major. I can work for whoever and anyone I want with such an expansive degree.

    Minors –
    Coaching – I first heard about this minor when I was searching for minors for this assignment. I have always been interested in the inner workings and strategies of teams, especially in football. As a football player in high school, I was a scholar. I always knew the game plan, and even actively helped coach junior varsity and freshman teams. Obviously, the work within this mine would be coaching, it would just depend on my preference and specialization.

    Personal Finance – I just recently heard of this minor while here at UNE from one of my friends. The work of this minor may include accounting or bookkeeping for a business. Many businesses need financing and if a personal finance minor is up-scaled, then I could help many businesses with their finances and money. There are many options for me with this minor, if I pair it with something like business then I could possibly run the finances for my own business.

  14. Majors

    Educational Studies – I found out about this major after researching what majors UNE offered when I was first applying to colleges, so it was before I decided to attend UNE. I imagine that this major has classes that will help you understand how to be a teacher, probably in the K-12 range. You are most likely required to take classes in different subjects so you could teach English or History or Math when you became a teacher. There are probably also classes that you have to take that will improve your leadership skills so you can be confident teaching a class. I haven’t really met anyone at UNE yet who is an Educational Studies major, so I don’t have any idea of what it is like other than my own imagination. I chose to write about this major because I will probably end up becoming a teacher after college. I really don’t have any major that I’m passionate about, and I’ve thought about becoming a teacher since I was a kid. Even though it’s not something I really want to do, I will likely end up becoming a teacher just because of a lack of interest for a different job.

    Political Science – The person who told me about this major was actually one of my friends who is attending another college. We were looking at colleges together during the summer before senior year of high school, and she was interested in a Political Science major. I was looking into going to UNE at the time, so I was curious if that major was offered here, and after looking at the UNE website I discovered that it was. I imagine there are a lot of classes about government and laws and other classes learning about politics. There are likely public speaking classes and classes that help leadership skills. When I think of someone with a political science degree, I think firstly of a politician, but also someone who works in government either locally or on a larger scale. I’m not actually interested in a political science degree, but right now there aren’t really any majors that interest me so I chose one that I was somewhat familiar with because I know someone who is majoring in it. I don’t know what I personally would do with a political science degree because I am awful at public speaking, so I couldn’t be a politician or anyone with importance in government.

    Sport and Recreation Management – I actually didn’t think to look into this major until I first got to UNE. I knew that the major was offered when I first looked at the majors list, but I kind of skipped over it because I didn’t think it would interest me. I imagine that the work of the classes in this major will also include developing leadership skills. There are probably some health classes, and maybe some sports history classes, but I’m not really sure what the major entails. I thought this major was interesting because this summer I worked as a tennis instructor for little kids. I don’t know if this major is more about sports team management or like coaching, but if it has to do with coaching I think this could be a major I could be successful in. I don’t have the greatest leadership skills but I know I can get better because after being a sports instructor this summer I already have better leadership skills than I did before. If I took classes focusing on leadership, then I would continue to improve and become more confident.


    Women’s and Gender Studies Minor – Before coming to UNE, I actually looked at the minors that the college had available to make sure they had a Women’s and Gender studies minor available because it has always interested me. I’m not necessarily sure if I will end up minoring in it, but I do definitely want to take a class or two related to Women’s and Gender Studies. I assume the classes for this minor will be about women’s history and learning about the history of gender norms and things of that nature, which are really interesting to me. I also assume it will go into the impacts of gender in society, and how it can affect all areas of your life. I’m not sure if this minor would necessarily help me get a job, but it is something I am interested in so it would enrich my life and college experience to at least take classes related to the minor.

    English Minor – No one really told me that UNE had an English minor, I just assumed because it is a very popular minor. I checked UNE’s list of majors and minors just in case and wasn’t surprised to see that it was offered as a minor. I assume to get this minor you have to take a lot of English and maybe writing related classes. In high school and even before, I enjoyed English classes because I enjoy reading and writing, and most of the work in English courses is reading a text and writing an analysis for it. I am already taking English 206 right now which I believe would be a course to take if I was pursuing an English minor, and if that is true then I would be interested to take more classes like it. I’m not entirely sure that having an English minor would really impact the kinds of jobs or careers I would have in the future, but again it could enrich my learning experience here at UNE and it would be a chance to take more of the kinds of classes I enjoy.

  15. Journal 7
    Major; Dental Hygiene
    College of Dental Medicine | University of New England in Maine (une.edu)
    When I toured UNE, I was really intrigued by the dental program here. I knew about how the dental program here was really good, but I didn’t realize how many people went to school for the program. My uncle is an orthodontist, and my cousin is also going to school for Dental Medicine. I have recently taken a very big interest in Dental Hygiene the more I have become open minded and looked at more majors than what I was considering before. The work I could imagine doing with this major is working as a dentist or working with an orthodontist. This major could get a couple different jobs working with different types of doctors. Part of me has always had an interest in Dental but I never thought about considering it until I was brought upon the option to.

    Major; Exercise Science
    When I saw that UNE has an exercise science major it really drew me into the school. I have really been interested in majoring in exercise science. While researching schools and looking into the majors each school had the Applied Exercise science major, compared to the other schools I was considering made me curious about the major. After learning about the major I researched careers I could get with this major and It all intrigued me. I have always been curious about physical therapy and learning about the rehabilitation of the bones and the different muscles in the body. It was always my idea to go into Applied exercise science but after exploring more majors I have a more open mind into what different majors are out there. With this major I could get different arrangements of careers and jobs, some that include training and coaching in the gym, or even potentially opening your own gym.

    Major; Early Education
    Throughout highschool I was always considering early education. When I applied and committed to UNE I was still considering majoring in early education. I never really looked into it but it is still something that is an interest to me. During quarantine I was considering different majors and thinking about different things that interested me. I find it really interesting about how children learn and how the beginning years of education really influence how they grow up to be.

    Minor; Nutrition
    A major that always interested me at UNE was Nutrition. While applying I couldn’t decide between majoring in nutrition and Applied exercise science. It wasn’t until late into my application process where I learned about the Nutrition program here. I wasn’t fully sold on majoring in nutrition but using it as a minor has really been floating around my mind. USing a minor in nutrition with a Major that is in a health care program you could be able to become a nutritionist. Also you could also use a nutritionist with working in the doctor’s office and or working with sports teams and learning about what nutrients different athletes need to focus on.

    Minor; Biology
    With a minor in Biology you can use it with any STEM major. This also allows you to have experience in the bio field and help with increasing the career opportunities. While searching through careers and majors at UNE, I was very interested in majoring in Biology since it is a broad program that can lead into many different careers. With having a minor in biology and a focused major in another program it allows your options in careers to be expanded. With a Biology minor you could for example, have a major in business and minor in biology and be able to start your own business becoming a dentist, and have the credits to go to dental school.

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